Page 39 - Nomination Rules
P. 39


                                                       PLEDGE OF COMMITMENT


               I                                                                                    of

               ID no.                                                      in the Republic of Kenya wishing to be
               nominated  as  a  Party  Candidate  in  the                                 elections  do  hereby

               solemnly swear and pledge as follows:

                   1.  That I shall respect, defend and safeguard the Constitution of Kenya and Party constitution and pledge
                       allegiance to both Constitutions.

                   2.  That I shall be loyal to my country Kenya and the Party.

                   3.  That I shall abide by the Party’s vision, mission and values. I shall support the Party Manifesto and
                       programs and undertake to work for their realization.

                   4.  That at all times be guided and shall abide to the party cardinal principles to uphold integrity and
                       strive for rapid development.

                   5.  That I believe in the legislative supremacy of Parliament, the independence of the judiciary, the Rule
                       of Law and the establishment of democratic institutions and processes.

                   6.  That I shall never conduct or participate in the torture or the political suppression of another human
                       being and shall fully support the repeal and abrogation of the preservation of Public Security Act, the
                       Public order Act, the Chief’s authority Act and all other oppressive laws.
                   7.  That I shall always defend the respect and observance of human and democratic rights and liberties.

                   8.  That I shall accommodate criticism and observe the principles of good and open governance.

                   9.  That I shall support free and fair elections within the Party and in Kenya.

                   10. That  I  shall  oppose  and  never  practice  nepotism,  clannism  or  tribalism  and  shall  ensure  that  the
                       allocation of jobs and services is based on merit

                   11. That I shall oppose and never practice corruption.

                   12. That I shall be transparent in all my business transactions and never allow personal interest to prevail
                       upon the public interest.

                   13. That I shall always defend and protect public property, assets and investments irrespective of whoever
                       is involved in the misuse

                   14. That I shall never practice discrimination against anyone on the basis of race, tribe, color, gender or

                   15. That I shall swear this pledge on the understanding that I may be disqualified or required to resign
                       from leadership if I contravene the pledge of commitment.
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