Page 51 - KANU MANIFESTO - 2022-2027 FINAL Draft 4.63
P. 51


                Kenya’s Security and Safety:
           AGENDA 5   Your Security is our collective responsibility

                We believe that our Nationhood must be anchored on peace and
                security for all. We will work with Kenyans to make our country a haven

                of peace. We will build a Nation where Kenyans are at peace with

                themselves, are at peace with the land and at peace with their

                Our Vision
                The most sacred duty of a government is to keep her citizens and their property safe and protected
                from internal and external threats. We recognize that peace and security within the country and in our
                neighborhood, is a necessary condition for Kenya to prosper. We will deepen the reforms in the
                security sector and improve collaboration in the management of crime and security information to
                strengthen our capability to detect, deter and disrupt threats to our people and our sovereignty.

                Our Plan
                We plan to secure our country from both internal and external threats. While insecurity remains a
                major challenge and continues to impose a huge burden on our economy, we will build on the
                previous gains made towards achieving and maintaining a peaceful, stable and secure nation. At the
                regional and international level, we will remain focused on building on the successes achieved in
                fighting terrorism. We will work with our neighbors and the international community to deter activities
                of organized criminal groups.


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