Page 48 - KANU MANIFESTO - 2022-2027 FINAL Draft 4.63
P. 48


                Our Commitment to Recreating a Purposeful Public Service
           AGENDA 3  In the next five years, we will:

                    Establish a National Volunteer Network Najitolea Kenya that allows efforts that need volunteers
                    to sign on and be connected to those who want to serve in the public sector. This will be part of
                    the basis and requirements in applying for Public Service jobs.
                    Conduct an independent performance audit and overhaul the Public Service in both County and
                    National governments and implement the audit recommendations under public Service
                    strategy reforms.
                    Enforce standards, policies, and legislation to ensure Public Service reflects the ethnic, religious,
                    regional, and cultural diversity of the people of Kenya.
                    Ensure Kenya is a 100% e-services nation by digitizing all Government services, processes,
                    payment systems, and record-keeping and ensuring they are secured from criminal tampering
                    and corrupt practices.
                    Introduce and implement ethics training and assessment as regular features at every level of
                    the Public Service and make it a requirement for promotion or transfer.
                    Enforce contracts for senior appointees in public office with practical performance benchmarks
                    and performance rules with contract reviews.
                    Enforce and ensure that Public Officers who represent the government on the boards of private
                    companies clearly indicate any personal conflicts of interests in matters under deliberation.
                    Ensure that Wealth declaration forms by public officers are made public for scrutiny by all.


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