Page 43 - KANU MANIFESTO - 2022-2027 FINAL Draft 4.63
P. 43


                Foreign Relations and Trade- Foreign Policy

           AGENDA 1  Kenya’s Foreign Policy aims to achieve several national objectives,

                among other things to Protect Kenya’s sovereignty and territorial

                integrity; Promote integration; Enhance regional peace and security;

                Advance the economic prosperity of Kenya and her people; Project
                Kenya’s image and prestige; Promote multilateralism; Promote the

                interests of Kenyan Diaspora and partnership with the Kenyans

              Kenya’s foreign policy is anchored on five interlinked pillars that characterize her bilateral and
              multilateral engagement. These pillars are Peace, Economic, Diaspora, Environmental, and Cultural
              (Republic of Kenya 2014). Kenyans living abroad sent home a record Ksh.421.6 billion ($3.718 billion) in
              2021 (CBK, 2021) up from Ksh.350.9 billion ($3.094 billion) in December 2020. According to the
              Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, this is from an estimated four million Kenyans living and
              working abroad.
                        Remittance by Kenyans abroad

                        Funds Kenyans living abroad sent home in 2020 according to CBK

                                                               Total Funds Kenyans
                                  KES 421.6                    living abroad sent
                                                               home in 2021

              Our Vision
              We envision to realize a proactive, concrete, and consistent foreign policy on the economy,
              peacebuilding, environment, culture and diaspora relations that commit to making Kenya competitive
              Our Plan
              We plan to advance the economic prosperity of Kenya and her people by protecting Kenya’s
              sovereignty and territorial integrity, promoting sub-regional and regional integration and cooperation,
              enhancing regional and global peace and security, projecting Kenya’s image and prestige, promoting
              international cooperation and multilateralism, promoting and protecting the interests of Kenyans
              abroad and enhance partnership with the Kenya diaspora and descendants.

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