Page 41 - KANU MANIFESTO - 2022-2027 FINAL Draft 4.63
P. 41


                Our Commitment to Environmental Conservation and Climate

           PRIORITY 4    In the next five years, we will:

                    Identify and implement priority adaptation actions across crucial social, environmental, and
                    economic sectors under the framework of the National Adaptation Plan by putting in place
                    mechanisms for sustainable utilization of natural resources to enhance climate resilience and
                    adaptive capacity to protect the environment.
                    Promote the creation of green jobs by establishing an enabling legislative and policy framework
                    for green investment in critical areas such as renewable energy, efficient transport, clean
                    manufacturing and sustainable agriculture that utilizes and promotes clean technologies in
                    economic development.
                    Achieve 10% tree cover, from the current 7% cover, through growing safe trees, protection, and
                    restoration of all our water towers wetlands by engaging public institutions to develop, protect
                    and value trees.
                    Promote and maintain the use of green energy where Kenya is a world leader in its green
                    energy mix through mainstreaming climate resilience into national and county government
                    development plans, processes, and implementation.
                    Identify and implement fiscal, taxation, and other policy options in priority areas with high
                    Green House Gas (GHG) emission abatement potential to enhance sustainable development
                    and environmental protection from harmful environmental practices.
                    Mainstream low carbon growth options into the planning processes and functions of the
                    national and county government and aim to achieve a net-zero carbon by 2050.
                    Given strategic national interests, participate in voluntary emission reduction programs
                    supporting the country’s sustainable development goals and achieving co-benefits.


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