Page 37 - KANU MANIFESTO - 2022-2027 FINAL Draft 4.63
P. 37


                Protection of Special Interest Groups (Youth,

           AGENDA 5  It is reported that, in Access to Government Procurement
                Women, PWD, and Ethnic Minorities)

                Opportunities (AGPO), the total public procurement reserved for youth,
                women, and PWDs groups stood at Ksh 40.7 billion in 2020/21.

                (Economic Survey, 2021).

              Women aged 18 years and above number about 16.7 million of the total population (KPHC, 2019).
              While various milestones have been achieved in addressing the plight of women, some sections still
              face challenges that require the attention of the State. For instance, 16.4 % live in households that go
              without food at least once a week; about 0.5 % cannot afford one meal in a day, while 89% are not
              members of any health insurance scheme (NGEC, 2016). The unemployment rate among young
              people in Kenya increased in the first quarter of 2021, compared to the previous quarter. In the age
              group between 20 and 24 years, the rate stood at 16.3%, up from 15 % in Q4 2020 (Economic Survey,
              2021). Statistics reveal that the Employment-Population Rate (EPR) of persons with disability (PWDs) is
              lower than that of the overall population, 35% and 57%, respectively (NGEC, 2016).

                        Women aged 18 years and above

                        Data according to KPHC 2019

                  Women aged 18 years

                  and above number about             16.7 MILLION

              Our Vision
              We envision a productive Special Interest Group of Youth, Women, PWD, and Ethnic Minorities that is
              fully protected and promoted through access to all forms of socioeconomic opportunities to enable
              them better themselves and contribute to nation-building.

              Our Plan
              We recognize the constitution provisions for affirmative action programs designed to ensure that the
              Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and marginalized are protected, promoted, and represented in
              governance and other spheres of life. We plan to aggressively focus on exceptional opportunities for
              SIGs in access to education and economic fields, development of cultural values, languages, and
              practices, reasonable access to water, health services, and infrastructure.

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