Page 32 - KANU MANIFESTO - 2022-2027 FINAL Draft 4.63
P. 32


                Our Commitment to Free and Accessible Education
           AGENDA 2   In the next five years, we will:

                    Ensure implementation of 100 percent transition to secondary education, focusing on free
                    secondary education in all public schools.
                    Re-introduce the school milk program under Maziwa Fresh initiative for all ECDE and Primary
                    school learners, benefitting local dairy farmers and over 14 million school-going children
                    through retention and transition, and nutrition improvement. The direct benefit to the farmers
                    and cooperatives will be Ksh 2B annually.
                    Deepen support of post-Secondary education by strengthening Higher Education Loans Board
                    (HELB) facility on four fronts: Increased loaning period by one year post studies to enable
                    graduates to transition to the job market, better targeting, resource mobilization, and improved
                    loan recovery through amnesty and waivers.
                    Prioritize secondary education for girls by enforcing policies that enable girls to go to school
                    and equip them with skills to compete for higher-paying jobs toward gender equity to foster
                    economic growth and attainment of demographic transition and dividends.
                    Enhance further capitation grants to public secondary schools by 50% to improve the
                    institutions' liquidity and optimally fund research and innovation by setting aside 5% of the
                    national budget.
                    Increase water and electricity connectivity, technology adoption, and infrastructural amenities
                    by 80% in all rural and community schools to enhance E-learning and ease congestion in the
                    classroom and boarding facilities.
                    Expand Government scholarships by 50 % for needy but bright students with focus on PLWDs,
                    Women, Youth and Ethnic Minorities.
                    Help TVET graduates further their studies at the university level in applied sciences and increase
                    funding for the TVET institutions by 50% to ensure marketability and professional development.
                    Further devolve TVET institutions to counties to aid in skilling and entrepreneurship by
                    establishing, equipping, and modernizing all TVET, Technical, Secondary, and village
                    polytechnics in every sub-county to improve training accessibility of the technical skills.
                    Employ more teachers to reduce the student-teacher ratio and enhance learning at the basic


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