Page 46 - KANU MANIFESTO - 2022-2027 FINAL Draft 4.63
P. 46


                Our Commitment to Responsible citizenship
           AGENDA 2  Develop and launch a National Volunteers Network- Najitolea Kenya targeting young people to
                In the next five years, we will:

                    help develop patriotism and identify the need for volunteers and give formal certification for
                    the work done.
                    Empower mechanisms for equality of representation and equality of citizenship through
                    reviewing existing relevant legislation and policy that will guarantee regional and ethnic
                    diversity of the people of Kenya.
                    Re-introduce National Youth Service training as a compulsory curriculum in the Kenyan’s formal
                    education to instill in the learner a sense of national ethos rooted in ethics, morals, and
                    integrity. The learners will not be able to graduate without having completed these courses.
                    Entrench ethics awareness, training, and accountability in the workplace. Every Public
                    institution, non-governmental organization, and the company will be required to develop an
                    integrity and ethics strategy that include training and safe ways to report infractions and make
                    it part of evaluating departments and managers.
                    Collaborate with religious groups, including churches, mosques, and temples, in strengthening
                    the national ethos by mainstreaming ethics training and awareness in their activities and
                    religious institutions.
                    Ensure that the mechanisms and attitudes in the Public Service protect Kenyans from exercising
                    their responsibilities safely particularly when willing to whistleblow or report a crime. Strong
                    whistleblower protection will be responsive and accessible communication channels manned
                    by reliable and trustworthy personnel.
                    Enhance Skin in the game principle under the public service code and citizen responsibility by
                    encouraging public servants and their families to utilize shared services in public facilities that
                    they develop and manage on behalf of all Kenyans. If it is good enough for Kenyans, it should
                    be goodenough for the public servant.
                    Utilize the duties articulated in the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights to develop
                    civic training on citizen responsibilities.


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