Page 27 - Nomination Rules
P. 27


               Article 17: Grassroots election Procedures

               The Party in the fulfilment of the requirements of the National constitution, any other Written law
               and the Party constitution shall conduct internal party elections in accordance with the principle of
               free, fair and peaceful elections.

               These elections shall be held from the lowest to the highest structures within the party. The following
               criteria and qualifications shall apply: -

                   1.  Prior to the elections there shall be political education carried out by National and Branch

                   2.  Three months to the elections NEC shall cause mass recruitment of member’s compilation
                      and verification of national register for the party elections.

                   3.  The NEB elections shall issue a public notice of not less than 21 days in either print and
                      electronic media with national circulation and coverage specifying the venue, time and date
                      of the elections

                   4.  The National Election board shall manage internal Party elections at all levels.

                   5.  Venue.

               Article 18: Eligibility Criteria

               No person shall be eligible to participate in the Party Sub Location/Ward, Location, Branch and

               National elections unless that person:

                   a)  Is a fully paid-up member of the Party and his or her name appears in the register of members
                      and holds a valid current party membership card as prescribed in the relevant law

                   b)  Is a Kenyan citizen with a valid identification Card or Passport as may be prescribed by law.

               Article 19: Venue, time and date of elections

                   a)  The  party  Grass-roots  elections  will  start  at  the  Sub-Location,  and  then  proceed  to
                      Location/Ward and the Branch/constituency levels. County and National.

                   b)  The polling, Ward and Sub-Branch and Branch elections shall be held in a central placed
                      particularly in schools, Ass. Chiefs or Divisional Centers, religious institutions or other public
                      place as agreed by the candidates.

                   c)  The elections will be held between 09.00am to 4.00pm of the prescribed dates only.

                   d)  The membership registers will be kept at the branch level by the Party Secretary under the
                      supervision of the entire Sub-Location Executive Committee.

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