Page 25 - Nomination Rules
P. 25

Article 15: Nomination of Party List Members

             15.1.1  Criteria of election of members for National Assembly, Senate and County assemblies for Party
                    list seats specified under Article 97(1) (c and 98(1)(b) (c) and (d) and article 177 (1) (b) and (c)
                    of the National Constitution shall be on the basis of proportional representation and in accordance
                    with article 90 of the constitution;

             15.1.2  The  Party  Nomination  list  shall  conform  to  the  two-third  gender  rule  in  its  existence  and
                    submission to the IEBC

             15.1.3  All nominated candidates on the party list shall sign the Political party contribution form 10 PPC
                    5 and PPC 7 with respect to the positions they are nominated for.

             15.1.4  KANU  shall  submit  its  party  list  to  the  IEBC  upon  the  National  Chairperson  or  National
                    Executive Committee checking and endorsing the same;

             15.1.5  The party list shall contain alternatives between male and female candidates and shall include
                    person with disability, the youth and any other candidate representing a marginalized group;

             15.1.6  Only persons with demonstrable active contribution to the party shall qualify to be in the party

               Article 16: Appeal and Dispute Resolution

                               1.  The  National  Chairperson  shall,  at  the  commencement  of  the  process  of
                                   nomination, establish a National Appeals and Dispute Resolution Panel which
                                   shall finally determine all and any matters and disputes between party members
                                   and/or party members pertaining nominations;

                               2.  The National appeals and Dispute’s resolution panel shall be appointed on ad hoc
                                   basis to deal with appeals and// or disputes arising from the nomination process in
                                   a particular election and shall stand dissolved upon conclusion of the nomination

                               3.  The Appeals and Dispute Resolution Panel shall have a chairperson who shall be
                                   a person of high personal  and moral  integrity  and who and whose immediate
                                   relatives shall not be a contestant or contestants on the nomination;

                               4.  The Appeals and Dispute Resolution Panel shall have four (4) other members at
                                   least one of whom shall be a lawyer of not less than five years standing. Two of
                                   neither the panel members shall be of either gender and shall be persons of high
                                   moral and personal integrity and shall have experience in public affairs and shall
                                   not nor their immediate relatives be contestants in the nomination;

                               5.  Any  person  aggrieved  by  the  decision  of  the  Election  Board,  may  after  the
                                   declaration of the winner lodge an appeal/or complaint within 72 hours, in writing
                                   setting grounds and attaching evidence in support of the appeal/complaint.

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