Page 26 - Nomination Rules
P. 26

6.  A person preferring an appeal to the National Appeals and Dispute Resolution
                                   Panel shall pay such fees as may be prescribed by the panel from time to time;

                               7.  Any person who presents a petition to challenge Party nomination process shall
                                   deposit a non- refundable fee of Kenya shillings. Fifty thousand (Ksh.50,000/-)
                                   only, in addition to the fees as shall be prescribed hereinabove.

                               8.  After lodging the appeal and fulfilling the requirements, the person preferring the
                                   appeal shall be entitled to be heard by the Panel and may be allowed to call any
                                   witnesses in support of his case;

                               9.  All appeals filed for determination shall be determined within 72 hours;

                               10. The decision by the tribunal shall be in writing indicating reasons as to how the
                                   said decision was reached.

                               11. Records of the proceedings shall be kept by the Secretary of the Tribunal

                               12. The decision of the Appeals and Dispute Resolution Panel shall be final.

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