Page 28 - Nomination Rules
P. 28

e)  Only current party identity card bearing members are eligible to inspect the registers to verify
                      their eligibility to vote as prescribed in Section 3(c) of the Party’s Constitutions and 17(6) of
                      Political Parties Act 2007.

                   f)  For avoidance of doubt, the polling Ward and Branch elections for the year       shall be
                      conducted as follows:

               Polling center on         or        as the Party members may decide outside or within the precincts
               of the offices of the area Sub-Chief between the hours of 09.00am and 4.00pm

               Ward Elections: on          or              as the Party members on the Location/Ward may decide

               outside or within the precincts of the office of the area chief between the hours of 09.00am and 4.00pm

               Sub-branch  /  Constituency  Elections:  On            outside  or  within  the  precincts  of  the

               constituency office between the hours of 09. 00a.m and 4. 00p.m

               Branch /County:

               Article 20: Management and Supervision

                   a)  The party elections at all levels shall be supervised by the National Elections Board and its
                      appointed officials

                   b)  The  Party  elections  for  National  officials  shall  be  carried  out  by  the  National  Delegates
                      Conference on such a date, time and venue as shall be determined by the National Executive
                      Council and notice thereof published on the party website not less than twenty-one (21) days
                      before the date of the elections.

                   c)  For the purposes of the elections of the National officials, the National Executive Council may
                      appoint such a person or persons or organization for the purposes of conducting, supervising
                      and managing the elections as it may deem fit.

                   d)  Members vying for any post in the elections shall not be appointed as an election official.

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