Page 85 - KANU Constitution
P. 85

15. I shall at all times promote national patriotism and national unity;

                          16. I shall respect, uphold and promote democratic values and principles, performing
                              inclusive  the  participation  of  party  members  and  accountable  representation  in
                              governance for the development of Kenya;

                          17. I shall respect, uphold and promote good governance, integrity, respect,
                              tolerance, transparency and accountability

                          18. I shall respect all party organs and the Party leadership;

                          19. I shall uphold and promote the principle of regular free, fair and credible
                              elections within the party organs;

                          20. I shall respect, uphold and promote the principle of leadership and integrity as
                              enshrined in the constitution of the Republic of Kenya;

                          21.  I further commit to:
                   b.  At all times use constructive dialogue to manage and mitigate political differences;

                   c.  Promote national reconciliation and building national unity;

                   d.  Take all reasonable steps to protect election officers in their course of duty;

                   e.  Take necessary and reasonable steps to instill discipline in Party candidate
                       representatives, employers, supporters;

                   f.  Make monthly contributions towards the financing of party operations once elected

                          22.  I further aver that I shall not—
                          b.  Engage in or encourage violence by party members or supporters;
                          c.  Engage in or encourage any kind of intimidation of opponents, any other person
                              or any other political party;
                          d.  Engage in influence peddling, bribery or any other form of corruption;
                          e.  Accept or use illicit or illegal money;
                          f.  Accept or use public resources other than those allocated to the political party
                              through the political party fund;
                          g.  Advocate hatred that constitutes ethnic incitement, vilification of others or
                              incitement to cause harm;
                          h.  Obstruct, disrupt, break-up or in any other way whatsoever interfere with a

                              meeting, rally or demonstration of another political party or its leadership;
                          i.  Establish or maintain a Para-military force, militia or similar organization or
                              having any links with such organizations;
                          j.  Use state resources for partisan campaigns;
                          k.  Establish or maintain a Para-military force, militia or similar organization or
                              having any links with such organizations; and
                          l.  Engage in violence, intimidation in language or action that might lead to violence

                              or intimidation;
                          m.  Allow weapons to be carried at political meetings, voting stations, etc.
                          n.  Publish or report false, defamatory or inflammatory allegations about political
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