Page 82 - KANU Constitution
P. 82


               Witnessed by

               ) In the Presence of


               SECOND SCHEDULE


               I -------------------------------, being a Member of KANU Party, on this ---------day of ------------
               ----the year --------------do hereby subscribed to the KANU PARTY Codes of Conduct and

               solemnly declare that—

               I shall undertake to;

                                   1.  Adhere to the party programmes and policies for the entire duration that

                                       I shall be a member of the party;

                                   2.  Respect party organs and institutions of the party democratization

                                   3.  Promote the practice of intellectual honesty in all dealings;

                                   4.  Articulate civility in terms of language, tolerance and expression;
                                   5.  Promote mutual respect to members at all levels;
                                   6.  Respect institutions of decisions-making to avoid sycophancy and
                                   7.  Be committed to faith and God;
                                   8.  Appreciate and acknowledge the strength of Kenya’s cultural diversity;
                                   9.  Mitigate negative cultural norms;
                                   10. Promote gender equity at all levels of governance;
                                   11. Advocate for non-violence of any kind;
                                   12. Show patriotism to the state;
                                   13. Promote affirmative action;
                                   14. Ensure equitable distribution of resources;
                                   15. Promote and respect citizens’ rights.

                Any member who evidently defaults on the above shall be subject to: -

                          1.  Suspension from the Party.
                          2.  Expulsion from the party
                          3.  A fine as will be deemed fit by the Disciplinary committee or the NEC


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