Page 72 - KANU Constitution
P. 72

43.4. The proposed amendments shall be publicized together with the notice convening the

                        National Delegates Conference.

                   43.5. Any delegate opposed to the amendment may register at a desk set up at the conference
                        for that purpose, and the amendment shall be construed to have failed if opposed by one

                        third of the delegates entitled to attend and vote at the National Delegates Conference.

               43.6.   A resolution to amend and adopt the Constitution shall be supported by at
                       least two-thirds of the members of the above organs.

               ARTICLE 44: MERGER

                   44.1. The National  Delegates Conference may pass a resolution to merge with any other
                        Political Party or Parties in the country where the merger involves the dissolution of the
                        other Parties to join KANU.

                   44.2. Where a merger involves the dissolution of KANU, the following procedure shall apply:

                       (a) The National Executive Council shall constitute’ a panel of live persons drawn from
                          among its members to negotiate the merger with likeminded Political Parties.

                       (b) The panel shall reach out to the like-minded parties and shall only enter into

                          structured negotiations with appointed representatives of the other Parties

                       (c) The panel shall represent the Party in the drawing of a merger instrument, and any
                          such instrument shall have due regard for:

                              (i)  The political, objectives and values of KANU and the interests of all members

                                 and organs, of the KANU;

                              (ii) The symbols and flag of the KANU;

                              (iii)The current and fixed assets and liabilities of KANU;

                              (iv) The retention of at ‘least one third of the Officials of KANU at very organ of
                                 the merger product;

                              (v) The retention of the Secretary General and at least two Senior ‘Officers of

                                 KANU in the Secretariat of the-merger product;

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