Page 67 - KANU Constitution
P. 67

39.14. The Branch Auditor shall have access to all Branch accounts and shall audit the
                        Annual Statement of Accounts prepared by the Branch Treasurer. A copy of the Branch
                        Accounts duly audited shall he Sent to each Sub-branch and to the National Treasurer.

                   39.15. The National Executive Council shall be empowered to suspend or expel any member,

                        officer or office-bearer of the Party who;

                              (a) is guilty of misappropriation of Party funds;

                              (b) Consistently ignores directives contained in this Constitution or in any Rules

                                 made by the National Executive Council for the proper management of the
                                 Party’s finances whether at the National, Branch, Sub-branch Ward or Polling

                                 Centre Committee level.

                   39.16. The funds of the Party shall be used in furtherance of the aims and objectives of the
                        Party, but shall not be distributed among the members.

                   39.17. The Party shall be free to raise funds and to accept donations in cash or any other kind
                        from any lawful source, and in any legal manner from within or outside Kenyan.

                   39.18. The National Executive Council shall ensure that a Statement of Accounts is prepared
                        biannually for presentation to the National Governing Council

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