Page 66 - KANU Constitution
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shall provide for Youth Congress, the People Living with Disabilities Congress and the

                        Women Congress and as more specifically provided for by the political party’s act 2011.

                   39.6. Funds collected at public rallies, and meetings shall be retained by the organ of the Party
                        that organized the rally in question and the said organ shall apply the funds thereby raised

                        only for purposes that necessitated the public collection. PROVIDED no public collection

                        by an organ of the Party may be organized except as authorized by the National Executive

                   39.7.  No  payment  shall  be  made  out  of  any  Party  Account  without  a  resolution  of  the
                        committee responsible for the account and all cheques or withdrawal  forms shall be

                        signed by three office bearers, one of whom shall be Treasurer or a person authorized to
                        sign in his absence.

                   39.8. All monies received by the National Treasurer, Branch Treasurer, Branch Executive

                        Officer and Sub-Branch Treasurer (where applicable), shall be deposited in a bank
                        account approved by the National Executive Council upon recommendation by the

                        responsible committee.

                   39.9. The signatories to any bank account of the Party shall be;
                       1.  National Chairperson who shall be a mandatory signatory
                       2.  and either the National Treasurer or the Secretary General or any other person as may
                          be appointed/designated by the National chairperson.

                   39.10. The KANU Youth Congress and the KANU Women’s Congress shall not raise moneys
                        from the Party Membership except as approved by the National Executive Council. The
                        Council shall ensure that any programmes of the Congresses shall be budgeted for and no
                        expenditure  shall  be  incurred  except  in  accordance  with  that  budget.  The  Branch
                        Executive  Officer  in  the  case  of  Branch/Sub-Branch  Congresses  and  the,  National
                        Treasurer in the case of the National Congresses shall be a signatory to any accounts of
                        the  Congresses  PROVIDED  no  account  shall  be  opened/operated  except  with  the
                        approval of the National Executive Council.

                   39.11. The Party’s Auditor(s) shall have access to all Party Accounts and resolutions affecting
                        the disbursement of funds. The Party’s Auditor shall examine the Annual Statement of
                        Accounts prepared by the National Treasurer for the National Governing Council and
                        certify the correctness or other wise of such annual statement.
                   39.12. A copy of the Auditor’s Report on the Accounts and Statement of Account prepared
                        by the National Treasurer shall be furnished to all Branches and members of the National
                        Executive  Council  at  the  same  time  as  the  notice  convening  the  Annual  National
                        Delegates Conference is sent out. Any member or officer of the Party may, upon giving
                        notice of one month, apply to Inspect any books of account for the party or any of its
                   39.13. Every branch shall appoint a qualified auditor at its branch Annual General Meeting.

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