Page 61 - KANU Constitution
P. 61

(a) At meetings of the National Delegates Conference, the National Governing Council,

                          and the Branch / Sub-Branch, Delegates Conferences, Chairperson shall put

                          the question to the Delegates with those in favor of the decision shouting ‘AYE’ and
                          those of contrary opinion shouting ‘NAY’, and the Chairperson shall determine which

                          side the vote has gone, and the determination thereof shall settle the matter;

                       (b) At meetings of the National Executive Council, Sub-Committees of the National the

                          Executive Council and the KANU Parliamentary Group, contested decisions shall be
                          determined by secret ballot;

                       (c) In the event of an equality of votes at any meeting, the Chairperson shall have a

                          casting vote.

                       (d) Meeting  for  the  National  Delegates  Conference,  Special  National  Delegates

                          Conference, National Governing Council, National Executive Council, National
                          Management  Committee,  National  Elections  Board,  Dispute  Resolution

                          Committee,  National  Appeals  Tribunal,  National  Disciplinary  Committee,
                          KANU  Women’s,  Congress,  KANU  Youth  Congress,  Governors  Caucus,

                          Parliamentary Group, Persons Leaving With Disabilities Caucasus group, and
                          any other party organ may hold meetings in person/physical or Online/Virtually

                          as per the guidelines of the office or the registrar of political parties 2021.

               ARTICLE 36: QUORUM.

                   36.1. The quorum of the National Governing Council and the National Executive Council
                        shall be half of membership thereof.

                   36.2. The quorums for Delegates Conferences and all meetings at the Branch, Sub-branch and

                        Sub-location/Ward Committee levels shall be sixty-five per cent of’ the persons entitled
                        to ‘attend.

                   36.3. The quorum for meetings of the Branch Executive Committee, Sub-branch, Ward and
                        Polling Centre working ‘Committees and all committees of the Youth and Women

                        Congresses shall be sixty-five per cent of the members entitled to attend.

                   36.4. The quorum for the KANU Parliamentary Group shall be sixty-five percent of the
                        members thereof.

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