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(iii)Persons not holding any other office in the party

                           (iv) Paid up members of the party

                    (f)  The members of the National Disciplinary Committee shall appoint one from among

                       them to be the Deputy Chairperson and who shall be of the opposite gender to the

                    (g) The National Disciplinary Committee secretary shall be the Executive Director of the
                       Party /or any such person as shall be appointed by the party chairperson.

                    (h) The National Disciplinary Committee shall have appellate jurisdiction to hear appeals

                       from the County Disciplinary Committee and shall have original jurisdiction to hear
                       matters referred to it by the National Chairperson, Secretary General or the National

                       Executive Council.

                    (i)  The National Disciplinary Committee shall have the power to impose any penalty
                       provided for under Article 37.3.

                    (j)  The decision of the National Disciplinary Committee shall stand until and unless set
                       aside, varied or substituted by the National Executive Council in accordance with

                       Article 15.2.

                    (k) The  National  Disciplinary  Committee  shall  make  rules,  regulations  and  guidelines
                       governing the procedures to be employed by it and the County Disciplinary Committee.

                    (l)  In all cases before the National Disciplinary Committee, every person appearing for a

                       hearing shall be entitled to a fair hearing and be accorded an opportunity to defend
                       themselves and may be represented by an advocate or any other party member.

                    (m)  The National Disciplinary Committee shall report its findings and decisions to the

                       National Executive Council for adoption, ratification, variation or substitution in

                       accordance with Article 15.2.

                    (n) The Decision of the National Executive Council in respect thereto shall be final.

               34.2.  Matters that Constitute Disciplinary Measures

                   (a) Disciplinary action shall be instituted against a member in cases of:

                          (i)  Gross misconduct;

                          (ii)  Corruption;

                          (iii)Misappropriation of Party funds and / or misuse of Party facilities;

                          (iv) Disloyalty to the Party;

                          (v) Allegiance to another political party;

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