Page 54 - KANU Constitution
P. 54



                   31.1.1.  There is established a National Elections Board.

                       (a) There shall be a Board to be known as the KANU  National Elections Board,

                          which shall be a Standing Committee of the Party.

                       (b) The National Elections Board shall formulate KANU Nomination rules in accordance
                          to the Electoral laws of Kenya.
                       (c) The National Elections Board shall have its own set out secretariat for the purpose of

                          its functions.

                       (d) The National Elections Board shall create an account to which such funds in relation
                          to elections shall be deposited and administered.
                   31.1.2. The Committee shall be appointed by the National Chairperson in consultation with

                          the National Executive Council and shall consist of not more than five members

                          drawn from among the Platinum and Gold Members of the Party, of whom at least
                          two shall be of either gender.

                   31.1.3. Shall be appointed by the National Chairperson

                   31.1.2 The Director of Elections shall be the Secretary of the Board.

                   31.1.3. The Director of elections is the head of the KANU National Elections Board.

                       3.A Functions of the Director of Elections:

                          a.  Shall be the convener and in charge of party-political campaigns;

                          b.  Mobilize and direct campaign resources.

                          c.  Shall be in charge of party nominations and elections

                          d.  Formulate and implement party strategies on voter registration and mobilization;

                          e.  Be the national coordinator of party campaigns and timely respond to all queries

                              relating to the same;

                          f.  Devise and implement party political campaign strategies;

                          g.  Advise the NEC on National Campaign matters and prepare briefs on behalf of

                              the party;

                          h.  Consulting and liaising with NEC on strategic approaches to elections;

                          i.  perform any other function that may be assigned by National Chairperson or


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