Page 51 - KANU Constitution
P. 51

(c) The Sub-Branch Youth Congress consisting of the executive committee of each

                              Ward Youth Congress in the Sub-Branch;

                          (d) The Branch Youth Congress consisting of the executive committee of each Sub-
                              Branch Youth Congress;

                          (e) The National Youth Congress consisting of ‘the executive committee of each
                              Branch Youth Congress.

                   29.6. Officials of the various Youth Congresses shall hold office for a non-renewable term of

                        five (5) years. PROVIDED an official who attains the age of thirty-five years before his

                        term is-over shall be retired on grounds of age and shall be replaced at the annual meeting
                        immediately following his retirement.

                   297. Each Youth Congress shall hold general meetings to coincide with those of the main

                        party  Organs  within  which  they  are  constituted,  and  the  same  shall  be  spaced

                        strategically so as not to be in conflict

                   29.8. At annual meetings, the Youth Congresses shall have the following agenda:
                       (a) Confirmation of the previous minutes of the Congress;

                       (b) Report by the Youth Congress Secretary;
                       (c) Programs and budget (including sources of funding) of self-help and

                          voluntary activities;

                       (d) Speech by the Congress Chairperson;
                       (e) Any other business.

                   29.9. The Youth Congresses shall have the following functions:
                          (a) To work in close co-operation with Branch, Sub branch, Ward and Polling Centre,

                              Committees to ensure the success of the policies and programs of the Party among
                              the Youth;

                          (b) They shall have no original powers of expenditure but shall be allocated, program

                              funds by the Branches in order to enable them to fulfill their duties;
                          (c) They shall organize self-help voluntary work, youth rallies, sports and meetings

                              among youth in the branch.
                   29.10. The National Chairperson may from time to time convene a National Youth Congress

                        to discuss such matters as shall be prescribed by the National Chairperson.

                   29.10. All National Kanu Youth Congress (KYC) Officials MUST be Gold Members

                   29.11. All KYC Branch officials MUST be Silver members
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