Page 52 - KANU Constitution
P. 52

29.12. All KYC Sub Branch Officials MUST be Bronze members

                   29.13. All KYC Ward Officials MUST be Imara Members

                   29.14. All KYC Polling Station Officials MUST be Imara members


               Election Process of the officials shall be as per the National Elections Board procedures and



                   30.1. There shall he a KANU Women Congress (KWC)whose membership shall be
                        open to registered’ women members of the Party.
                   30.2.  The  Women  congress  shall  endeavor  to  work  closely  with  community  development

                   officers, non-governmental organizations involved in development and women activities and

                   any  other  organizations  or  institutions  so  as  to  assist  or  organize  women  self-help  and
                   voluntary groups, the literacy groups, women rallies and ‘other activities, intended to promote

                   the interests of the Party amongst the women.

                   30.3. The Women Congress (KWC) shall have the following functions:

                          (a) To work in close co-operation with Branch, Sub branch, Ward and Polling Centre,
                              Committees to ensure the success of the policies and programs of the Party among

                              the women;

                          (b) They shall have no original powers of expenditure but shall be allocated, program

                              funds by the Branches in order to enable them to fulfill their duties;

                          (c) They shall organize self-help voluntary work, youth rallies, sports and meetings

                              among youth in the branch.

                   30.4. While retaining a measure of self-identity, the KANU Women Congress (KWC)

                        shall be an integral part of the Party and shall be subject to the Party’s control and
                        discipline at polling centers, Ward, Sub-branch, Branch and National level.

                   30.5. The KANU Women Congress (KWC) shall operate at the following forums which shall

                        be  steered  by  the  National  Women  Executive  Committee  comprising  a  Chairperson
                        Deputy Chairperson, Secretary, Deputy. Secretary, Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer:

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