Page 56 - KANU Constitution
P. 56
32.1. There is hereby established a Dispute Resolution Committee which shall be an ad-hoc
committee of the National Executive Council.
32.3. No member as a condition-precedent for membership of the Party shall resort to a Court of
Law for the resolution of any dispute arising out of the conduct of any Party matter, issue or
affairs, unless the machinery herein established has been exhausted.
32.4. Whenever a dispute requiring resolution is lodged with the National Executive Council, the
Council shall appoint a Committee of five members from amongst its members of whom not
more than three shall of the same gender, to hear and determine the dispute thereof.
32.5. The Members so appointed shall elect a chairperson and secretary, and the chairperson
thereof shall regulate proceedings according to rules of natural justice.
32.6. The decision of the Committee shall be final and shall not be subject to review by any other
organ of the Party.
33.1. There is hereby established an Elections Appeals Tribunal to be known as the KANU
National Elections Appeals Tribunal
33.2. The Tribunal shall consist of a Chairperson and not less than two and not more than nine
other members appointed by the National Executive Council on the recommendation of the
sub-committee on Party Organization provided the tribunal shall be appointed prior to the
commencement of elections nominations as the case may be.
33.3. No person shall be appointed to the Tribunal unless he is a member of the Party and in
making appointments as provided for in sub-clause (b) of clause 3 of this Article, the National
Chairperson in consultation with the National Executive Council shall appoint persons who
is aneminent Party member of whom at least a third shall be of opposite gender and
possessing among others the following qualifications:
(a) The Chairperson shall be a person qualified to be a judge of the high Court of Kenya,
while all the other members shall be:
(b) Citizens of Kenya above the age of 18 years;
(c) Reputable, knowledgeable, competent and impartial;
(d) Persons not holding any other office in the party;
(e) Paid up member of the party as hereabove prescribed