Page 74 - KANU Constitution
P. 74

44.4. KANU shall not enter into a merger with any Party if: ‚

                         (i)  The merger does not entail KANU joining a pre-existing Political Party

                         (ii) The merger is less than six months away from the known date of elections

               ARTICLE 45: COALITIONS

               45.1. Pre-Election Coalition

                       (a) The  National  Delegates  Conference  on  the  recommendation  of  the  National

                          Governing Council may pass a resolution to enter into a Pre-election coalition with
                          any Political Party or Parties

                       (b) The pre-election coalition shall in every respect comply with (the provisions of the
                          Third Schedule of the Political Parties Act, 2011)

                       (c) Notwithstanding the generality of Clause 2 of this Article, no pre-election coalition

                          shall exempt KANU from fielding candidates for Parliamentary and County level

                       (d) KANU shall not enter into any pre-election coalition unless the same is at least six
                          months away from the known date of elections

               45.2. Post-Election Coalition

                   (a) The National Governing Council may on the recommendation of the National Executive
                       Council pass a resolution to commit KANU to a post-election coalition, or terminate the


                   (b) The  resolution  contemplated  in  clause  (a)  above  shall  originate  from  a  post-election

                       Coalition Negotiation Panel consisting of the National Chairman, the Secretary General,
                       the, Leader of the Parliamentary Group and the Chief Whip;

                   (c) The post-election coalition shall be purely for purposes of addressing, the Parliamentary

                       strength of the KANU Caucus in Parliament and in the County Assemblies;
                   (d) The Post-Election Coalition Negotiation Panel shall report to the National Executive


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