Page 73 - KANU Constitution
P. 73

(d) The panel shall make its report for adoption or otherwise, to the National Executive


                       (e) If the National Executive Council adopts the report of the merger negotiation panel,

                          an emergency meeting of the National Governing Council shall be convened within
                          fourteen days to deliberate on the recommendations.

                       (f)  If the National Governing Council ratifies the merger proposal, then;

                              (i)  The. National Chairperson shall within twenty-one (21) days convene a

                                 meeting of a Special National Delegates Conference at which the Motion

                                 “THAT. KANU resolves to merge with (list names of all parties entering,

                                 into  the  merger)  to  form,  and  therefore  bind  every  registered  member  of

                                 KANU to become a Member of a new Political Parry to be known as - (give
                                 name of new Party) “shall be the only agenda of the day.

                              (ii) The. Secretary General shall put out a notification of the intended merger in at
                                 least two daily newspapers and shall in the notification invite any person, group

                                 of persons or organizations owed by KANU to lay forth their claims.

                       (g) if the Special National Delegates Conference ratifies the decision to merge with other
                          Political Parties, then

                          (i)    The National Treasurer shall within’ fourteen days settle all outstanding
                                 financial obligations where possible, close all books of account at every

                                 organ of the Party and stop every payment except that which relates to the

                                 terminal benefits of employees;

                          (ii)   The Secretary General shall circulate copies of the merger instrument to all
                                 delegates attending the Delegates Conference;

                          (iii)   All the organs of the Party shall within fourteen days’ dissolve and cease to

                                 exist in the manner specified in the merger instrument.

                   44.3.A decision to merge with other Parties envisaged under Article 41.1. above shall be by a
                        resolution of the National Delegates Conference supported by two thirds of all delegates

                        entitled to attend and vote. PROVIDED any delegate opposed to the merger may register
                        at a desk set up at the conference for that purpose, and the merger shall be construed to

                        have failed if opposed by one third of the delegates entitled to attend and vote at the

                        National Delegates Conference.
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