Page 22 - KANU MANIFESTO - 2022-2027 FINAL Draft 4.63
P. 22


                Our Commitment to Agriculture and Food Security with
           AGENDA 2  In the next five years, we will:
                Guaranteed Minimum Returns

                    Facilitate Agriculture Insurance and financing to de-risk the agriculture sector, reduce farmers'
                    vulnerability and other value chain actors, and foster sustainable food production and
                    nutritional security growth with a Guaranteed Minimum Returns to farmers.
                    Initiate and support a County level framework for value addition through processing livestock

                    and agricultural products at source to maximize returns to farmers and create local job
                    opportunities in the food chain.
                    In cooperation with County Governments, adopt and implement farming methods to guarantee
                    food security and encourage farmers to venture into high-quality food crops.
                    Revolutionize and modernize the dairy industry to manufacture dairy products for local and
                    international markets with the government as the most significant local consumer through the
                    Free School Milk Program-Maziwa Fresh in all public schools. The direct benefit to the farmers
                    and cooperatives will be Ksh 2B annually.
                    Aim to gainfully employ at least 20% of the rural poor in agriculture and allied activities to
                    create local job opportunities from the agricultural economy in the counties while securing food
                    Optimally fund agricultural research to ensure that the knowledge of farm institutions and KARI
                    is disseminated to the farmers to improve the marketing and value addition of various crops
                    and livestock.
                    Stimulate Agribusiness and Agro-industrial Development by reviving and reinvesting in growth,
                    enabling local industries like Mumias Sugar Company, Nzoia Sugar Company, Sony Sugar
                    Company, Pan Paper Mills (now Rai Paper Mills), RIVATEX, KCC, etc.
                    Establish Food Acquisition Programme to create demand and stable market prices for products
                    from Small-scale farmers who will be encouraged to form cooperatives in maize, wheat and
                    potatoes and others. Under this program, the government will buy 50% of its food
                    requirements from smallholder farmers.


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