Page 18 - KANU MANIFESTO - 2022-2027 FINAL Draft 4.63
P. 18


                Information, Communication & Technology (ICT)
           AGENDA 1  Our Vision

                The growth in ICT use that began at the start of the 21st century has been accelerated by
                unexpected events such as the COVID-19 pandemic. ICT has become a necessity to most business
                operations as it encourages efficiency and increases production. Our vision is to position Kenya as a
                global leader in software and hardware solutions by enhancing ICT skills and infrastructure among
                the people and its workforce to allow individuals tap into jobs markets across the globe.

                Our Plan
                We plan to adopt cutting-edge technology enriched with ICT-focused government solutions in
                record keeping, business processes, infrastructure delivery, and the promotion of digital skills as a
                driver of a sustainable economy.

                Our Commitment to Sustainable ICT

                In the next five years, we will:
                    Complete internet last mile connection to all public schools, health facilities, police stations,
                    social centers, correctional and rehabilitation facilities with free and reliable internet to enhance
                    learning and service delivery.
                    Create over 2 million employment opportunities in 5 years through Form Ni Digi  program that
                    will empower our youth and build on the local talents to encourage local manufacturing of
                    Software, Apps development and assembly of digital devices.
                    Zero-rate locally programmed software to encourage local businesses to buy local software to
                    promote and protect the local economy.
                    Strengthen policies towards a Kenya first option of Buy Kenya Build Kenya on government’s
                    procurement of locally produced Applications and Software to promote locally manufactured
                    Incentivize private institutions to connect at least 40 million Kenyans with affordable and
                    reliable internet through fiscal and policy support in the next five years.
                    Fully transition all public government data and services to a centralized digital platform for
                    efficiency and security.
                    Leverage blockchain technology to safeguard all government public information and facilitate
                    the creation of public digital identities and registries to enhance transparency and authenticity
                    in service delivery.


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