Page 11 - KANU Constitution
P. 11


               4.1.   To compete with other political parties obtaining in the country using any lawful means for
                       the purpose of winning elections and forming the Government and shall be committed to

                       and shall work for freedom, peace, security, stability, democracy, the sanctity of life and

                       social justice for all;

               4.2.   To  engage  in  any  lawful  activities  for  the  purpose  of  propagating,  broadcasting  or

                       popularizing party policies and actions in order to solicit for and win members and public
                       support throughout the country;

               4.3.   To undertake membership recruitment drives and for this purpose to establish programs,
                       facilities, and offices throughout the country for the purposes of campaigning, persuading

                       and winning person to become members of the Party and for the effective organization and

                       retention of those members;

               4.4.   To promote national consciousness, peace, unity and vigilantly advance safeguard

                       national interests and values;

               4.5.   To tirelessly fight against tribal, racial, sexual, religious and economic discrimination and
                       exploitation and all other forms of oppression and discrimination;

               4.6.   To  vigorously  pursue  zero  tolerance  policy  towards,  and  complete  elimination  of
                       corruption and to work for the rapid and smooth development of Kenya, raising people

                       and standards of living, wealth, education, health and general welfare;
               4.7.   To.  Secure,  for  the  workers  of  Kenya  a  just  return  for  their  labor  and  the  equitable

                       distribution thereof by ensuring that the means of production, distribution and exchange

                       are under a sustainable system of control and fair play;

               4.8.   To  promote  in  Kenya  principles  and  practices  of  democratic  governance  based  on

                       grassroots participation, transparency and accountability and to foster and strengthen
                       democratic values, human rights and institutions geared towards the consolidation and

                       facilitation of these ideals; and to uphold the rule of law and guarantee, civil liberties,
                       rights and privileges as enshrined in the Constitution of Kenya;

               4.9.   To promote the ideals, principles and practices of African Socialism and to fight for the.

                       respect  and  preservation  of  our  national  heritage,  history,  culture  and  national

               4.10.  To involve specialized groups of persons such as the women, youth, non-governmental

                       organizations and religious organizations into the affairs and management of the Party with
                       a view to winning their support for the Party and in this respect constitute within the Party

                       hierarchy units and programs through which these groups can actively participate in the
                       affairs of the Party so as to strengthen it;

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