Page 13 - KANU Constitution
P. 13




               5.1. Any person who is a citizen of Kenya and is aged 18 years or above, who believes, in and

                   accepts the objectives, policies, programs, discipline of the Party, and terms and conditions

                   of membership of the Party contained in this Constitution, shall be eligible for membership
                   of the Party.

               5.2. To become a member, a person shall apply and duly register under any of the categories

                   prescribed under this constitution, procure a Card, duly serialized, dated, and signed with the
                   details of the person entered into a KANU membership register.

               5.3. The membership cards referred to in clause 5.2 above shall he procured at a fee which shall,
                   from time to time be determined by the National Executive Council.

               5.4.A person who has become a member of the Party shall be entitled to all rights and privileges
                   of a member except as may be provided otherwise in this Constitution or decided to the

                   contrary by the National Executive Council from time to time.

               5.5. Notwithstanding the provisions of clause 5.2 above the National Chairperson may at his sole
                   discretion, waive the requirement as to the payment of membership card fee under clause 3,

                   and admit any person or group of persons to the membership of the Party as circumstances
                   may warrant. Persons admitted under this clause shall be issued with membership cards and

                   shall be entitled to all privileges and rights of a member as if admitted under clause 2.

               5.6. CATEGORIES OF MEMBERS

               5.6.1.  Subject to the approval of the National Management Committee in consultation with the
                       National Governing Council and/or the National Executive Council shall have power to

                       create or establish such categories of membership for the advancement of the interests

                       and objectives of the Party as circumstances may warrant.

               5.6.2.  Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of clause 5.6.1. of this Article:

                          (a) The categories membership of the Party shall for the time being, be the following
                              all which shall be renewable after five  years save for category v that  shall be

                              renewable annually:

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