Page 14 - KANU Constitution
P. 14

1.  Platinum Membership;
                                     2.  Gold Membership;
                                     3.  Silver Membership
                                     4.  Bronze Membership;
                                     5.  Imara membership;
                                     6.  Corporate membership.

                          (b) All  members  registered  as  ordinary  members  under  the  preceding  KANU
                              Constitution shall be deemed to have automatically acquired membership status of

                              Imara  upon  adoption  of  this  Constitution  and  will  be  duly  registered  with  all
                              relevant authorities as such;

                          (c) All members registered as Life or Gold members under the preceding KANU

                              Constitution shall be considered to have acquired membership status of bronze
                              Members upon adoption of this Constitution and will be duly registered with all

                              relevant authorities as such.

                          (d) All  members  registered  as  corporate  members  under  the  preceding  KANU
                              Constitution shall be deemed to have automatically acquired membership status of

                              Corporate Members upon adoption of this Constitution and will be duly registered
                              with all relevant authorities as such

                          (e) All members registered as affiliate and honorary members under the preceding

                              KANU Constitution shall within thirty (30) days be granted Ordinary, Gold or

                              Corporate  membership.  PROVIDED  that  the  authority  to  determine  the
                              membership category to be granted shall vest in the National Executive Council.

                          (f)  Any person who is qualified to become a member of the Party under this Article,

                              if he so desires may become or convert from one category of membership to
                              another  upon  payment  of  the  applicable  membership  fee.  PROVIDED  that  a

                              person who converts to a lower membership category shall not be refunded any

                              fees whether in part or in whole of the membership previously held.

                          (g) The  National  Management  Committee  in  consultation  with  the  National

                              Governing Council shall satisfy itself that no person, organization, political party

                              or institution admitted as a member is likely to compromise the interests of the
                              Party, or whose objects are significantly opposed to those of the Party, and in this

                              regard,  may  impose  such  terms  and  conditions  for  corporate  membership  as
                              circumstances may warrant.

                          (h) The National Executive Council shall, upon the adoption of the new Constitution

                              and pending the first Party elections under this Constitution, have authority to

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