Page 26 - KANU Constitution
P. 26

                   11.1. There shall be a National Executive Director of the Party who shall he appointed by the

                        National Chairperson, and/or in consultation with the National Executive Council.

                   11.2. The National Executive Director shall be a full-time employee of the Party and shall
                        serve on such terms and conditions as the National Executive Council shall determine

                        in the interest of the party.
                   11.3. No person shall qualify to be appointed a National Executive Director unless he is at the

                        time of such appointment a Gold Member of the Party.
                   11.4. The National Executive Director shall be the chief administrative officer of the party

                        secretariat and shall in that respect:

                          (a) Be in charge of the National Party Secretariat, ensure its smooth and efficient

                              functioning, and have the overall responsibility for all the staff  working at the
                              Party Headquarters and at the Branches and any other organs thereof;

                          (b) He/She shall supervise all staff;

                          (c) He/She give guidance and ensure observance of all-Party policies, programs and
                              adherence to the party code of conduct by staff;

                          (d) Co-ordinate  and  implement  all  Party  policies,  decisions,  programs,  and

                              generally ensure the achievement of all or any of the objectives of the Party
                              as stipulated in this Constitution;

                          (e) Assist the Nationa1 Executive Council in processing applications from persons
                              wishing to be considered for appointment as senior officers of the party and in

                              consultation with the said council recruit subordinate staff of the secretariat;
                          (f)  Be the Accounting Officer of the Secretariat under the general guidance of the

                              National Treasurer on financial matters; \

                          (g) Ensure the revitalization and popularization of the party by:

                                      (i)  Arranging  for  regular  contact  between  the  party  headquarters,
                                      party branches and local leaders so as to ensure that the party policies
                                      and programs are carried out to the grassroots;

                                      (ii)  Carrying  out  publicity  stands  and  campaigns  through  slogans  and
                                      Media  publicity  Committee  established  by  the  National  Executive
                                      (iii)Taking precautions to prevent infiltration of the membership drives by
                                      the  opposition  by  careful  scrutiny  of  persons  wishing  to  become  Party
                                      (iv) Supervision of all aspects of membership recruitment and registration.

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