Page 30 - KANU Constitution
P. 30


                   13.1. There shall be two types of National Delegates Conferences, namely, a National

                        Delegates Conference and a Special National Delegates Conference.
               13.2. In each case the composition of a National Delegates Conference shall be as follows:

                          (a) All members of the National Executive Council;

                          (b) All members of The National Management Committee.
                          (c) All Party members of Senate and the National Assembly;

                          (d) All Party Governors;

                          (e) All Party Members of County Assembly;
                          (f)  Twenty (20) Delegates from Party Branch consisting of:

                              (i)  Eight  Branch  officials  being  Chairperson,  Deputy  Chairperson,  Secretary,

                                 Deputy Secretary, Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer, Organizing Secretary. Deputy
                                 Organizing Secretary;

                              (ii) Six Officials of the Branch Women Congress being Chairperson, Deputy
                                 Chairperson, Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer;

                              (iii)Six  Officials  of  the  Branch  Youth  Congress  being  Chairperson,  Deputy

                                 Chairperson, Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer.

                              (iv) Two Representatives of Persons living with disabilities from each branch.

               13.3. National Delegates Conference:

                   (a) The National Delegates Conference shall be the supreme organ of the Party and shall

                       meet once in a year at a place and time to be decided upon by the National Executive

                   (b) Notice  of  such  National  Delegates  Conference,  accompanied  by  the  Statement  of
                       Accounts, the annual budget for the next financial year and the Agenda for the meeting

                       shall be sent by the Secretary General to all Branches and persons entitled to attend the

                       Conference not later than twenty-one (21) days before the date of the Conference.

                   (c) The Agenda for the National Delegates Conference shall consist of the following:

                          (i)  Confirmation of minutes of the previous Delegates Conference and discussion of

                              matters arising therefrom;

                          (ii) Presentation and discussion of the Report of the Secretary General;

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