Page 20 - KANU Constitution
P. 20


                   7.1. The National Chairperson shall be the head of the Party and shall in that capacity oversee
                       the  overall  management  and  running  of  the  party  and  shall  exercise  all  powers  and

                       perform all duties conferred upon him/her by this constitution and those, that, are inherent

                       in or customary to the office of the Chairperson or leader of a political party.

                   7.2. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing clause, the National Chairperson

                       (a) i.  Ensure discipline and proper conduct of all-Party Officials, officers, members;
                             ii. Enforce adherence to Party policies; and

                            iii.  Refer  any  case  to  the  National  Disciplinary  Committee  for  suspension  or

                          expulsion of any one of these persons;

                       (b) Have  full  authority  and  provide  policy  guidance’  over  all  organs  of  the  Party

                          including the Party’s Parliamentary Group, Youth and Women’s Congresses and the
                          Branches, including their respective officials;

                       (c) Preside  over  all  the  National  Delegates  Conferences,  the  National  Governing

                          Council, and the National Executive Council;

                       (d) Symbolize the image and unity of the Party, be the Party’s national and international

                          spokesperson and in this respect, defend the Party, its constitution, policy, interests,
                          programs and actions;

                       (e) Perform other duties and exercise other powers conferred upon him/her by this

                          Constitution and take any action or give any directives, which in his/her opinion
                          will enable the Party to achieve its objectives and interests;

                       (f)  Have power to veto the appointment of any officer of the party and to give general
                          directives as to their appointment or dismissal of any such officer; and

                       (g) Notwithstanding any provisions in this constitution to the contrary have the powers
                          to dissolve any Branch/Sub Branch and Ward of the party either appoint an interim

                          committee to run the Branch/Sub branch or ward or order elections for a new team
                          of the officials thereof held.

                       (h) Have the powers to Nullify, Withhold or re constitute any party structure as the
                          interests  of  the  party  may  demand;  and  order  for  fresh  elections,  or  appoint  a

                          committee to run the affairs of the party organs affected.

                       (i)  Attend all caucuses of KANU members of the Senate, National Assembly, Congress

                          of Governors and County Assemblies as the case may be.

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