Page 36 - KANU Constitution
P. 36

16.4.A Secretary shall advise the National Executive Council, the Parliamentary Group and

                        the Party in general matters in their docket

                   16.5. The National Chairperson may invite any or all the Secretaries to any meeting of Party
                   16.6.A Member of the Policy Advisory Council may resign from their position by notifying

                        the National Chairperson in writing. PROVIDED the National Executive Council may

                        by a resolution terminate the appointment of any Secretary.

                   16.7. Members of the Policy Advisory Council may be paid such allowances as the National
                        Executive Council may authorize.


                   17.1. There shall be a National Management Committee which shall be a standing committee
                        of the National Executive Council.

                   17.2.  The  National  Management  Committee  shall  comprise  of  a  minimum  of  four  (4)

                        members and a maximum of nine (9) members who shall appointed by the National
                        Chairperson in consultation with the National Executive Council

                   17.3. The Nine members shall be made up of;
                          (a) The Chairperson

                          (b) The Vice-chairperson

                          (c) The Secretary General

                          (d) The National Organizing Secretary

                          (e) National Treasurer

                          (f)  Four  (4)  committee  members  appointed  by  the  National  Chairperson  from
                              amongst party membership.

                          (g) The Executive Director shall be an ex-officio member

                   17.4.  The  Chairperson  in  exercising  his  discretion  during  nomination  of  the  our  (4)

                        members shall do so in line with this Constitution.
                   17.5. The National Management Committee shall perform the following functions;

                          (a) Act on behalf of the National Executive Council in urgent matters

                          (b) Supervise the day-to-day management of the Secretariat

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