Page 40 - KANU Constitution
P. 40


                   20.1. There shall be an informal caucus of Governors elected on the Party ticket to be known

                        as the Congress of Governors which shall meet once every quarter of a year at a place
                        determined by the National Chairperson.

                   20.2. The Congress of Governors shall review and advise the Party on challenges of

                        devolution of power and resources.

                   20.3. The President of the Republic of Kenya if he is a Member of the Party shall be entitled
                        to attend the meetings of Governors Congress.

                   20.4. The Governors shall elect the Chairperson and Secretary of the Congress.

               ARTICLE 21: KANU MCA CAUCUSES


               There shall be a National Caucus of the County Assemblies comprising of all the County

               Assembly Speakers, Deputy Speakers and members of County Assemblies.

                   (a) The  Party  Chairperson  or  his/her  Deputy  in  consultation  with  the  County  Executive

                       Committee shall within forty-five  (45) days  of the declaration of results  of a  general

                       election convene a meeting of the Party National County Assemblies Caucus at a place

                       specified in the notice of the meeting at which the agenda shall be the election of the

                       National County Assemblies Caucus Leader.

                   (b) The Party National County Assemblies Caucus shall meet at least once every year.

                   (c) The Caucus shall review and consolidate the party positions and strengthen in their

                       respective County Assemblies.

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