Page 39 - KANU Constitution
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18.4. The Manual referred to in clause 18.3. above shall he amended from time to time to

                        reflect changes that have occurred in or recommended for the Departmental and/or


               19.1.  There  shall  be  a  KANU  Parliamentary  Group  which  shall  be  a  caucus  of  Members  of
                    National Assembly and Senate elected on the Party ticket or nominated by the Party to the
                    respective Houses.

               19.2. The National Chairperson shall within twenty-one days of the declaration of results of a
                    general election convene a meeting of the Party Parliamentary Group at a place specified in

                    the notice of the meeting at which the agenda shall be:

                          (i)  Election by secret ballot of the Leader of Party Parliamentary Group;

                          (ii) Election by secret ballot of the: Deputy Leader of Party Parliamentary Group;

                          (iii)Election by secret ballot of the Party Chief Whip;

                          (iv) Election by secret ballot of the Deputy Party Chief Whip and Secretary to the

                              Parliamentary Group.

               19.3.A Member of the National Assembly or Senate shall not without justification oppose Party
                    positions and Policy in Parliament. PROVIDED a Member shall not be construed to have

                    opposed a Party position where the same was not communicated to him in writing by the
                    Chief Whip:

                       (a) A Member of the National Assembly or Senate who opposes Party positions on more
                          than  three  occasions  shall  be  de-whipped  and  reported  to  the  National  Executive
                          Council for disciplinary proceedings to be initiated;

                       (b) Without prejudice to the foregoing, Party Positions shall be agreed on at meetings of

                          the Party Parliamentary Group wherein decisions on any matter shall be determined

                          by  consensus  or  a  simple  majority  vote  or  generally  under  the  direction  of  the
                          chairperson of the party.

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