Page 42 - KANU Constitution
P. 42


                   23.1. There shall be a Branch coterminous with every County as set out in the Constitution of

                        Kenya. A Branch shall be responsible to the National Executive Council.
                   23.1(b). There shall be such elections for branch officials

                   23.2. Each Branch shall be managed and controlled by a Branch Executive Committee which

                        shall consist of;

                          (a) Chairperson,  Deputy-Chairperson,  Secretary,  Deputy  Secretary,  Treasurer,
                              Deputy Treasurer, Organizing Secretary, and Deputy Organizing Secretary, all of
                              whom shall be elected at the Branch Delegates Conference;

                          (b) KANU Member(s) of the National Assembly from the Branch, if any;

                          (c) KANU elected & nominated Senator;

                          (d) Three Branch KYC members (Chair/Secretary/Treasurer);

                          (e) Three Branch KYC members (Chair/Secretary/Treasurer);

                          (f)  The Governor, if he/she is a member of KANU;

                          (g) Two representatives of PLWD;

                          (h) The Branch Executive Officer appointed by the National Executive Director in
                              consultation with the Branch Executive Committee who shall be in attendance.

                         23.3.  No person shall qualify to be a Branch Official’ unless

                           (i)  He/She has a minimum of silver Membership of the Party;

                        (ii)  He/She  is  qualified  to  hold  public  office  in  the  Republic  of  Kenya  and  has  not
               contravened the                provisions of Chapter 6 of constitution of Kenya 2010, Political

               Parties Act 2011 and the party’s constitution
               (iii) Pays a requisite application and nomination fees of Ksh.10,000/-

                   23.4. Duties of the Branch Executive Committee shall be:

                          (a) To promote Party policies and activities among the people in the County in order

                              to realize the aims, objectives, policies and programmes of the Party;

                          (b) To promote political and civic general education amongst the people for the
                              benefit of the Party;

                          (c) To recruit new members for the Party;

                          (d) To represent the views and interests of the members in the Branch at the National

                              Governing Council;
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