Page 43 - KANU Constitution
P. 43

(e) To foster amongst the people self-reliance, self-help, the African spirit of being
                              mindful of the welfare of others and to encourage people organize collectively,

                              live together harmoniously and peacefully in the spirit of Party fraternity for the

                              sake of advancing their own development and Party interests;

                          (f)  To ensure discipline and adherence to Party policies and programs among

                              individual Party members and the Women and Youth Congresses;

                          (g) To make recommendations to the National Executive Council the suspension of

                              any Member who has been found to be in breach of the Party policies and this

                   23.5. The Branch Executive Committee shall meet at least once in every three months.

                   23.6. There shall be two classes of Branch Delegates Conferences namely a Branch Delegates

                        Conference and a Special Branch Delegates Conference

               ARTICLE 24 A: The Branch Delegates Conference

                   (a) A Branch Delegates Conference shall be held annually not later than the 31  May in
                       each year. The Conference shall consist of:

                          (i)  Office bearers of the Branch, including the Branch Executive Officer who shall be
                              in attendance;

                          (ii) Six Officials from each Sub-branch being Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson

                              Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer;

                          (iii)Six Officials of the sub-branch women Congress being Chairperson. Deputy
                              Chairperson, Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer;

                          (iv) Six Officials of the sub-branch Youth Congress, being Chairperson, Deputy
                              Chairperson, Secretary, Deputy. Secretary, Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer;

                          (v) Two PLWD Representatives;

                          (vi) KANU Member(s) of Parliament from the Branch, if any;

                          (vii)   KANU Governor;

                          (viii)  KANU Members of the County Assembly.

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