Page 45 - KANU Constitution
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as may from time to time be assigned to him by the Branch Committee

                                     including handling of correspondence;

                                 (iv) The Deputy Secretary: - To deputize the Secretary;

                                 (v) The Treasurer: - The Treasurer shall be in charge of the Branch finances
                                     and accounting; shall prepare and submit to the Committee the Annual

                                     Financial Statement of Accounts;

                                 (vi)  Deputy Treasurer: – To deputize the Treasurer;

                                 (vii)     The Organizing Secretary: - He shall organize and supervise the
                                     programs of work of the Party at the Branch level, and shall erasure the

                                     proper and effective functioning of the other -organs of the Party at the

                                     Branch level, including Youth and Women Congresses;

                                 (viii)    The Deputy Organizing Secretary: - Deputize the Organizing

                                 (ix) The Branch Executive Officer: – he/she shall be a full-time employee of

                                     the party answerable to the National Executive Director and shall perform
                                     such duties as shall be assigned by the Executive Director.

                          (b)  A Branch shall not have power to expel any member from the Party.


                  25.1.  Every  branch  shall,  in  the  interest  of  efficient  organization,  be  subdivided  into  Sub-

                       Branches organized on the basis of the National Assembly Constituencies existing within

                       the Branch. The Sub-branch shall be answerable to the Branch.
                   25.2. No person shall qualify to be a Branch Official’ unless

                  i.   He/She has a minimum of silver Membership of the Party;
                 ii.   He/She is qualified to hold public office in the Republic of Kenya and has not contravened

                       the   provisions of Chapter 6 of constitution of Kenya 2010, Political Parties Act 2011 and
                       the party’s constitution

                iii.   Pays the requisite application and nominations fees of ksh.5000/-

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